How To Get Through Mid-Season Fatigue and Building Towards Championship Season. By Tom Davies MBPC Coach
As the triathlon season progresses, as athletes, we often face mid-season fatigue. This challenge can be equally tricky if you've already...

When Should I Get A Bike Fit?
One of the question I get asked by a number of athletes is when should I get a bike fit or if I’ve had a fit when should I review it? To...

What Is Our New Introductory Full Triathlon Package And Who Is It For?
We’ve recently launched our new triathlon training plans, and we wanted to answer some common questions we get about our coaching, So...

Matt Bottrill - Why Get A Cycling / Triathlon Coach?
Ever since I can remember I’ve had a coach that’s been there to support me over the year. Even to this day I have somebody that takes the...

How to Balance Other Sports with your Cycling, and Stay Injury Free.
Balancing the three sports in tri, is the big puzzle, and the aspect of training that most people ask for some guidance around....

Matt Bottrill’s Week in Winter Training.
It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these but thought it would be something of interest. Getting the work life balance is such a...