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MBPC on a global scale!

We love coaching athletes from all around the world, while the business is based in the UK our triathlon and cycling coaching methods and practices are universal so no matter where you are based we can help you achieve your targets!

We spoke to Brazil based Roberto Gois about his experience thus far with MBPC!

"My key point has always been performance! I am an AG triathlete trying to secure my Kona Slot! When I decided to look for triathlon coaching, of course in my mind my option was searching in Brazil for a good one, because I live in Brazil!

After looking on social media at different coaching companies, my initial idea then changed to: “Why not have a coach around the world, I mean why not have a really good one with a tremendous background and numbers in their career?” So I decided to widen my search geographically speaking. After a really careful searching and evaluation process, I found Matt Bottrill Performance Coaching!

My choice could not have been better! with Matthew and Ian as my coaches in MBPC, living in the UK and I living in Brazil they make the process happen and happen very well! With a day by day dynamic using Training Peaks and online tools to analyse performance and workouts individually, i get the same experience as if i was in the UK with them.

I am so happy with my choice and absolutely trust in all the methods and techniques along my coaching pathway, building form and I follow exactly what they tell me and show me! It’s no doubt a game changer in my performance and confidence!"

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